how to control virus of a computer

Use Anti-Virus Software for Protection:
Anti-virus software is your best protection against the worst kind of computer problems viruses. Although most viruses spread through email and Internet downloads, some spread directly through the network and other spread through USB disk drives.There’s too many ways for an virus to get on your computer for you to try to guard against all of them, so the first step you take to secure your computer should be to install good Anti-virus software. Anti-virus software can only protect your computer against known viruses. Hackers are writing new viruses everyday, so its important to also follow the rest of the tips in this article to keep yourself safe.

Stop Downloading:
The easiest way for hackers to install malware on your computer is by convincing you to install them yourself. Most malware on the Web hides as small but useful-sounding programs. For example, new screen savers new chat applications, and minor desktop improvements.

Don't Open Spam Emails:

Viruses know that people trust their friends and family, and they often exploit this by sending rouge emails containing viruses to unsuspecting users. It’s not that your mother would ever intentionally try to infect your computer with a virus.she doesn’t know the attachment she sent you contains a virus.

Investigate before open any attachment:
All of these problems need to be investigated. Viruses often use your computer processing power for evil,making your computer run slow. Viruses often try to hide among other programs, causing strange error messages. Viruses often send spam emails, making your ISP complain.

Use Password or Administrative Access:
In a household or office where many people share computers, everyone is at the mercy of everyone else. No matter how safe you try to keep your computer, anyone else with administrator access can install a virus-infected program. In these multi-user environments, it pays to restrict administrator access to only the users who know how to keep the computer safe. In fact, I suggest you create just one administrator account for each computer and then give every user their own non-administrator account.



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