Database & Database Systems

A collection of logically related data is called database. For example, the telephone directory, your personal address book, dictionary are examples of database. A database contains data or information about a particular topic such as:

1) Database of employees that contains data of employees of an organization or department.
2) Database of students that contains data of students of a college/ university etc.
A database may be created maintained manually or it may be computerized. The library card catalog is an example of a data that is created and maintained by a set of programs. This set of programs is called database management system.

Generally, database collection of logically related data sets or files. Each data set or file may contain different kind of information that is used for specific purposes. For example, a bank mantians differnet stypes of information for its clients in sparate files such as:
  1. Saving accounts.
  2. current accounts
  3. automobile loan personal loan
  4. client information
 Database Systems: A database system normally provides that following facilities to users.
  1. inserting new records into the database.
  2. retrieivng records from the database.
  3. deleting the records from the database.
  4. updating teh existing records.
  5. adding new files to database.
  6. removing existing files from databbase.



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