make your computer faster

 Many method are used to update computer speed but some most  proper and effective methods are teaches here on our web page. You can learn free many different methods about computer from here on our blog. These articles are published on web with the help of our computer experts. Though computers are wonderful tools. They can certainly be frustrating at times. As you use your computer it will surely begin to slow down. That is why, there are some golden rules to make your computer run faster which are followings:

  1. Right Click on "My Computer"  select "Proprieties" now select "Advanced" tab from the tabs. Now Click on first showing button of "Settings" . Now Click on "Adjust for the best performance". Now enjoy your computer speed increased and fist effective method you are using.
  2. The Registry is the database that your computer uses to organize data in regards to the various applications and utilities that you run. The preferences you select, program settings, and the information regarding your hardware are all present in the registry. The one utility that the Microsoft Windows operating system does not come with is a fully functional registry repair program. As different errors occur, and you install and uninstall programs, the registry may become damaged. This damage can slow down your computer. Therefore, one of the most important of the cardinal rules to make your computer run faster is to own and use a registry repair program.
  3. Generally, most physical disk drives are divided up into various sectors. When your computer stores a file, it may split it up into various fragments across the disk to take advantage of sectors previously made clear when you or the operating system deletes a file. When a Defragment utility is run, it moves files around so that they are sequential across the disk. Defragmenting is absolutely paramount to make your computer run faster
  4. Seasoned veterans may have fond recollections of the memory management programs that were used in the DOS era of computing. More realistically, they probably get headaches just thinking about these relics. It is fortunate that in the world of graphical user interfaces in which we live, the operating system handles most of the memory allocation chores for us. However, that does mean that we have less control over it. Therefore, it is important to remember to not start up too many different applications on boot. Check the Startup folder in the Taskbar programs menu. If it is too full, then carefully consider what programs you actually need to run on Startup. Chances are it isn’t as many as you think, and you can make your computer run faster by eliminating some of these start-ups.
  5.  If you wanted to make your computer speed doubled you can follow this method. Use new hardisk for only operating system use not for all secondary storage media. Separate hardisk gives you high speed because data on the hardisk is very low computer load data from separate window very fast.
  6. One method is very simple but not free method. If you want to increase your computer  speed, you required to increase your computer RAM to make your computer faster.



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